Two New Comedies from Perth Playwright
Prolific Perth playwright Johnny Grim’s latest two plays, Schoolies and Thick and Thin, come to life at Belmont’s Latvian Centre in November, in a short play season that also includes Eugene Ionesco’s The Bald Prima Donna, presented by ARENAarts and Grim’s own A lad in sane productions.
“Schoolies, which I’m also directing,is a fun play that pokes a stick at the sometimes changing values – depending on how the wind blows – of large institutions,” Grim said.
“At the request of police, the principal of a well-to-do Catholic college arranges a meeting between the parents of two students to resolve an embarrassing incident that occurred during schoolies week.
“Thick and Thin, directed by Simon James, is a commentary on how modern sport is primarily a deftly-marketed business that preys heavily on the loyalty of supporters.
“In this case, the play follows three fanatical supporters of the Chelsea Football Club.”
The short play season marks the 13th production for A lad in sane productions, after Grim originally established the company in 2006.
Performing at a variety of venues, including the Old Mill, Phoenix and Camelot Theatres and Midland Junction and Don Russell Performing Arts Centres, he was named best new writer at the 2009 and 2010 Dramafests, the annual state drama festival.
“Primarily, I enjoy writing social commentary using comedy as a medium,” he said.
“I like to think Schoolies and Thick and Thin have points to make but I prefer to leave that for audiences to judge.”
Schoolies, Thick and Thin and The Bald Prima Donna play at 8pm November 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9, 4pm November 3 and 2pm November 10.
Tickets are $20, $15 concession – book at
The Latvian Centre is located at 60 Cleaver Street, Belmont (off Belmont Avenue).
More Reading
Community Theatre Seasons 2013
Images: Bree Vreedenburgh, left, Rachael Maher and Amanda Watson play three male roles in Thick and Thin; Playwright Johnny Grim, right, directing the cast of Schoolies: Denys Lunn , left, Nicole Bennet, Graeme Cross, Peter King and Michele Diston &Principal Haines (Graeme Cross, centre) tries to keep feuding fathers Thomas Piperfield (Denys Lunn, left) and Pete Smeggs (Peter King) apart in Schoolies.
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