Theatrical Postcard to Rockdale from 1947 England
A fable of Christmas and a classic of the British post World War Two era, The Holly and The Ivy plays at The Guild Theatre, Rockdale NSW during November 2013.
It’s 1947 in the quaint vicarage of the Reverend Martin Gregory. As his family gather to celebrate the festive season, tensions break through the emotional veneer and secrets tumble out. With some unexpected laughs, preconceived ideas and assumptions are shattered as each family member learns how to reveal their true selves.
Written by Wynyard Browne in 1947 England, according to director Susan Stapleton, the play “is very much a postcard from that time and place. It pre-dates the 1950's ‘reality revolution’ in theatre, yet hints at things to come. Certain absolutes are questioned in the light of two world wars, a depression and ongoing post war austerity - all within the experiences of family members who come together at Christmas.
“The central plot concerns the fate of Jenny, the dutiful daughter of the Rev. Martin Gregory. Jenny wishes to leave the family home to marry, yet cannot unless her apparently wayward sister Margaret agrees to return home to look after her father. The complications that prevent this from happening are quite tragic. But like all good drama, we have our characters that bring a knowing smile to our face; two elderly aunts that seem to represent everything that is both fond and furious about well meaning relatives; an irresponsible younger brother and a rakish uncle who knows all the hidden secrets. The conclusion is a revelation of understanding that takes each family and audience member by surprise.
“Jim Searle, our set designer, has captured the period and atmosphere of a cosy English vicarage beautifully - drawing the audience in and welcoming you with open arms.
November 1 to 30 November, 2013
Cast: Daniel Cooper, Jan Cripps, Don Gethings, Bettina Girdler, George Gleeson, Tamarah Rooker, Veronica Saville & Chad Smith.
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