Ruby Moon: Pathos with Unexpected Humour at Castle Hill

Ruby Moon: Pathos with Unexpected Humour at Castle Hill

Castle Hill Players (NSW) will present Matt Cameron’s Australian drama Ruby Moon from April 13, 2012.

Ray: It's not her Sylvie. You know that.

Sylvie: Let me pretend.

Ray: It's all we do.

Ruby Moon is a hauntingly evocative journey into the hearts and minds of Sylvia and Ray Moon, whose little girl Ruby disappeared without trace from her own street in Flaming Tree Grove. Itis an atmospheric blend of drama, pathos and unexpected humour.

Cast members Faith Jessell and Jeremy Johnson are challenged to create not only Sylvia and Ray, but also an array of eccentric neighbours – whom they believe hold the key to Ruby’s fate.

‘A play with only two actors presents unique challenges,’ says director Jewel Johnson. ‘But the cast and I have thoroughly enjoyed facing them head on, and hopefully have done justice to a play that’s earned its place on this year’s HSC list.

‘I felt the crucial responsibility that came with directing Ruby Moon is its being on the HSC syllabus and the students that would come. How could we, the Castle Hill Players, ignite a love of theatre in a new, extremely tech-savvy generation? 

‘From their audition together I knew Jeremy and Faith had what it takes for what can be nothing less than tour-de-force acting, because the play is 2 actors playing 4 characters each without interval. I had extremely high expectations of what they would bring to the production and they have both exceeded that already. I look forward to watching their run. 

‘The play is about every parent's worst nightmare, and the story really lives inside the psychological and emotional terrain of that experience.

‘My challenge as a director was to keep a compassionate viewpoint, and touch points for that intact. At best, the most 'Ray' and 'Sylvie' can hope for remains a surreal situation, no matter how things could be resolved in the future, which is left open in the play. That quite literally drove the 9 of us on the Artistic Team to manifest the perfect world to bring this play to life in.’It opens at the Pavilion Theatre, Castle Hill Showground, Doran Drive Castle Hill, on Friday, April 13thand runs until Saturday, May 5th, 2012. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 8.15 pm, Sunday matinee 4.30 pm.

Bookings 9634 2929.

Image: Jeremy Johnson and Faith Jessel as Ray and Sylvia in Ruby Moon.

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