Police Prevent Murder at Oliver! Rehearsal

Police Prevent Murder at Oliver! Rehearsal

A recent rehearsal for Beenleigh Theatre Group’s production of Oliver! was interrupted by eight police officers responding to a report of assault.

Company members were busy rehearsing when a security camera outside picked up two actors rehearsing the famous scene of Nancy’s murder.

Rehearsals were stopped halfway when two police officers pulled up in a squad car, closely followed by four other police on foot and two officers on bikes.

The first officer on the scene said the person monitoring the security camera called the police station to report a “woman being assaulted”.

Matthew Malone, who plays the dangerous and violent Bill Sikes, replied, “no it’s fine I’m just murdering my girlfriend.”

The other actors and production team went on to explain the scene.

The officers quickly realised it was a false alarm, stating that the self professed murderer “made their job easier”.

Beenleigh Theatre Group celebrates its 20th Anniversary at the Crete Street Theatre by reprising the first show they ever put on there, Lionel Bart’s Oliver! The Musical from June 21, 2013.

First time director but long-time member of the group, Mardi Schon, hopes Oliver! will be an opportunity for members and the community to celebrate how far the group has come over the past two decades.

“Beenleigh Theatre Group always strives to put on performances that are above the perceived amateur standard and I aim to do the same,” says Mardi.

“I’m proud to have been given the chance to direct the 20th Anniversary show. It’s been an exciting ride so far.”

Mardi says although she has a strong vision for the show, she hopes to celebrate some of the great work which has come before her.

“It’s an anniversary event, so I didn’t want to make any sweeping or unconventional changes to the show. I want the show to bring back memories for those who have seen it before and create new experiences for others.”

But Mardi says she recognizes she has a lot of work ahead of her.

“The production is a major team effort – two choreographers, two musical directors and a vocal coach – my job is to put it all together and create a seamless production.”

She says she is also excited to be working with her husband and two daughters, who are each playing their part in the creation of her first show.

She has especially enjoyed working side by side with her daughter Jane, who is assisting in the choreography, direction and promotion of the show.

The family have been members of the Beenleigh Theatre Group for almost 10 years and have performed in over 30 shows put together; a handful of those as a whole family and over half of those with BTG.


Music and Lyrics by Lionel Bart

June 21 - July 6, 2013

Fridays and Saturdays 7:30pm / Saturday matinees 2pm

Opening Night: Friday 21st June 7:30pm

Crete Street Theatre, Corner of Kent and Crete St, Beenleigh

Music and Lyrics: Lionel Bart

Direction: Mardi Schon

Musical Direction: David Chivers

Assistant Musical Direction: Amanda Chivers

Vocal Direction: Laonie Stokman

Choreography: Lauren Innis-Youren and Jane Schon

Bookings: 07 3807 3922 or beenleightheatregroup.com  

Images by Vincent Swift Photography.

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