Perfect Wedding at Castle Hill
Jennifer Willison directs Castle Hill Players production of Perfect Wedding by Robin Hawdon at The Pavilion Theatre from May 26, 2017.
Weddings are such happy events – if you make it to the church on time. After a particularly rowdy buck’s night Bill wakes up to find a strange woman in bed next to him. Not only that, he spent the night in the honeymoon suite, reserved for his bride. That’s not all, he doesn’t remember a thing and he has no idea who this very attractive girl is. Wait there’s more, the bride is on her way to prepare for the big day in the peace and quiet of her hotel suite! What peace and quiet?? The best man arrives and refuses to help the groom out of a very tricky situation, the chambermaid arrives to straighten up the room only to get caught up in a web of fibs and falsehoods. The bride arrives to find chaos and mayhem and the mother of the bride arrives expecting a perfect wedding. She’s got another thing coming!
In true farcical fashion there’s panic, confusion, excuses and explanations and much slamming of doors.
Perfect Wedding plays from Friday 26 May until Saturday 17 June
Full details and bookings are online at or call 02 9634 2929. The Pavilion Theatre is located within Castle Hill Showground, entrance is at the lights located between Gilbert and Carrington Roads, Castle Hill.
Ticket prices: $27/$22. Generous discounts for groups of 10 or more.
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