Musical Parable Joseph for Chatswood
The Biblical saga of Joseph and his coat of many colors comes to life in the musical parable Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, presented by Chatswood Musical Society from 10-18 May at the Zenith Theatre.
Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat was the original hit for composer/lyricist duo Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice (Jesus Christ Superstar, Evita).
For 45 years now, the show has been a favourite with family audiences the world over.
Joseph, his father's favourite son, is a boy blessed with prophetic dreams. When he is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and taken to Egypt, Joseph endures a series of adventures in which his spirit and humanity are continually challenged. He is purchased by Potiphar where thwarting advances from Potiphar's wife lands him in jail.
When news of Joseph's gift to interpret dreams reaches the Pharaoh (wryly and riotously depicted as Elvis), Joseph is well on his way to becoming second in command. Eventually his brothers, having suffered greatly, unknowingly find themselves groveling at the feet of the brother they betrayed but no longer recognize. After testing their integrity, Joseph reveals himself leading to a heartfelt reconciliation of the sons of Israel.
Set to a mix of musical styles, from country-western and calypso to bubble-gum pop and rock 'n' roll, this Old Testament tale of jealousy, love, loss and redemption emerges both timely and timeless.
Directed by Matt Cater with musical direction by Hayden Barltrop and Laura-Beth Wood’s choreography, CMS’ Joseph features a large cast and ensemble – including a 20-strong child chorus – it includes such songs as Jacob & Sons, Close Every Door and Any Dream Will Do.
10-18 May Zenith Theatre, Cnr McIntosh and Railway Streets, Chatswood
Wed-Sat 7.30pm plus Sat 2pm and Sun 4pm matinees.
Tickets: adults $38, concession and 4+ groups $33, children $28
Bookings online www.chatswoodmusicals.orgor Zenith Theatre 9777 7547
$5 surcharge per ticket applies for opening night (champagne supper included)
$3 booking fee will apply to each booking
Photographer: Chris Lundie
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