Minefields and Miniskirts for Fremantle

Minefields and Miniskirts for Fremantle

Nearly 1000 Australian women had a part in the Vietnam War as entertainers, journalists, volunteers and nurses. The one thing they have in common is that their lives were changed forever by Vietnam. For many of them it was the most vital and alive they have ever felt. Their story is told in Minefields and Miniskirts, presented by Harbour Theatre Fremantle (WA) from May 18, 2012.

Terence O’Connell’s adaptation of Siobhan McHugh’s book of the same name, Minefields and Miniskirts reveals through words, action and songs from the era, a collage of true stories about the extraordinary experiences of ordinary women in surviving a war. Minefields and Miniskirts presents a completely different look at the Vietnam War. It is told from the perspective of five women who were involved in diverse ways with the conflict. The play is based on true stories and covers all the aspects of the war that so polarised a generation in Australia.

Director Peter Kirkwood says, “I saw this play performed at the Playhouse a number of years ago and it made a huge impact on me. I feel that all too often the stories of women caught up in war are disregarded. With over 1000 Australian women involved in the Vietnam conflict in one way or another, I feel it is very important that their story is told. This is a chance for their version of their war experiences to be told in a way that will strike a chord with everyone”.

Kirkwood has assembled a highly experienced team of actors including Vickie Billingham, Nicola Bond, Katherine English, Kirstie Francis and Grace Hitchin.

Kirkwood adds, “the actors are required to dig deep within themselves to portray these characters with believability and strength. I am fortunate to have actors with formidable talent who will create a truly engrossing and absorbing theatrical experience that will have audiences laughing one minute and crying the next.”

Minefields and Miniskirts plays at 8.00pm on May 18, 19, 23, 25, 26, 30 June 1 and 2 with matinees at 2.00pm on May 20th and 27th.

Bookings: 9484 1133 or www.bocsticketing.com.au

Harbour Theatre is located in the Port Cineaste Bldg, 70 Adelaide St, Fremantle.

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