Key for Two: Farce for Gold Coast.

Key for Two: Farce for Gold Coast.

1 mistress + 2 lovers = a three-for-all

Gold Coast Little Theatre will stage the British farce Key for Two by John Chapman and Dave Freeman from June 16.

The fast-paced farce, in the best British tradition, promisesaudiences plenty of laughs and misunderstandings. Attractive Brighton resident Harriet’s husband is in prison in Peru. So to make ends meet, she manages to entertain two ‘gentleman callers’ in her apartment, by means of an invisible mother and a very strictly maintained diary. Then her friend Ann arrives with a matrimonial crisis of her own, other visitors come and go and the lies start mounting up.

Having enjoyed playing the lead role of Harriet several years ago, Cecile Campbell jumped at the chance to direct Key For Two and put her own spin on it. ‘It’s a bit like that old Remington TV commercial. I was so impressed with the product, I bought the company’ Cecile said.

Her enthusiasm was shared by two of the previous production’s very talented cast members, Gai Byrne and Graeme Stuckings who are delighted to be reprising their roles of Ann and Richard respectively.

Cecile explains what they bring to the play.

“Gai is not only a hoot as the geographically challenged Anne, but has an impressive pair of ‘pins’. Audiences will be given ample opportunity to make their own assessment as she displays them to full advantage in the second act. There is no truth to the rumour that Graeme has been haunting local watering holes to ‘research’ his role as the drunken vet.”

Cecile is delighted with her successor in the role of Harriet.

“Viv Gian is a joy to watch and is Harriet to a tee. She may be a manipulative gold digger, but audiences will be very firmly on Harriet’s side as she and Ann combine forces to preserve Harriet’s comfortable lifestyle with hilarious results.”

The cast also includes Nathan Schulz (Gordon) and Mark Randle (Alec) as Harriet’s two lovers. Up until two years ago, Mark hid his acting light under a bushel firmly ensconced as a sound and lighting operator. With a lot of cajoling from Cecile he finally auditioned for a role with Tugun Theatre Company and is now much sought, both on stage as behind the scenes. Nicola Den Braber is making her stage debut as Mildred, the formidable wife of Alec. Sarah Harrington makes her second stage appearance as Magda, the gullible, gossipy wife of Gordon.

The set, we’re told, is the most unlikely looking nursing home imaginable. One particular, extremely unusual chair was located in a remote corner under the theatre and Cecile immediately pounced on it as being just perfect. It is believed to have been hand made for a GCLT production many moons ago (Cecile is still trying to discover its history) and has sat gathering dust ever since. ‘I’m sure the person who originally constructed it would be delighted to know that it will be occupying the stage for another season,’ Cecile remarked.

Key for Two

Gold Coast Little Theatre, 21a Scarborough Street, Southport - 16 June to 7 July, 2012.  8.00 pm Thursday to Saturday, with Sunday matinees at 2.00 pm on 24 June and 1 July.

Bookings: 5532 2096 or

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