From Jakarta to Javeenbah Theatre: Director Dawn China.

From Jakarta to Javeenbah Theatre: Director Dawn China.

British black comedy The Anniversary, opening at Javeenbah Theatre (Qld) on March 22, may mark British ex-pat Dawn China’s directorial debut for the Gold Coast company, but she has an intriguing theatrical background.

Since moving to Australia in 2004, Dawn (pictured left with twin sons Ben and Paul) has embraced her new home at Javeenbah Theatre after a life of travelling the world.

“My husband’s career took us to Indonesia, where I first discovered theatre with the Jakarta Players, a group of expatriate theatre lovers.”

Dawn served on the committee there for several years, directing and acting in numerous plays, before becoming the theatre’s President. During her time there she co-produced musicals such as Guys and Dolls, How to Succeed In Business Without Really Trying and Quilter’.

In the mid nineties, amidst political strife in Indonesia, Dawn – originally from the UK - was introduced to her first Australian play, Dead White Males by David Williamson. 

“For security reasons we were no longer allowed to put plays on in the American schools, and the Australian Embassy offered us their theatre room as a stage to perform Dead White Male.  They came to our rescue, and charged us nothing!”

Encouraged by the Aussie generosity, her family moved to the Gold Coast in 2004 and it wasn’t long before she discovered Javeenbah Theatre and Gold Coast Little Theatre.

“Since then I’ve been in front of the lights more than behind them, and my last role was as Annie in Calendar Girls for Gold Coast Little Theatre,” she said.

After her directing hiatus, Dawn couldn’t resist stepping back into the Director’s chair for The Anniversary at Javeenbah and is loving every second.

The love of entertaining must run in the family as Dawn’s twin sons - Ben and Paul - write, produce and direct their own screenplays. Their first film, a thriller entitled Crawl received much critical acclaim at festivals all over the world including a Best Director nod at ScreamFest in LA.

While her twins are currently working on their next project on the other side of the pond, Dawn is hoping they’ll make the trip back to see The Anniversary take to the stage on March 22nd.

The Anniversary, by Bill McIlwraith, follows the story of ‘Mum’ who keeps a tight hold on all three of her sons with gifts, threats and ruthless exploitation of their weaknesses. But as the family is unwillingly brought together to celebrate Mum's wedding anniversary (regardless of deceased Dad), revolt is in the air.  One son gathers the courage to tell Mum he is moving to Canada; another breaks the news of his impending marriage. However, we soon find out that Mum is no pushover and is ready to fight back with every weapon in her considerable armory.

The Anniversary runs at Javeenbah Theatre from Friday 22nd March to Saturday 6th April 2013. Bookings: 5596 0300 or visiting

Images (from top): Dawn, with sons Ben and Paul; Hayden Bech (Tom), Chantelle Wright (Shirley) and Virginia Leaver (Mum) & Hayden Bech (Tom), Virginia Leaver (Mum) and Naomi Thompson (Karen). 

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