Inclusive Superstar
Inclusive Music Theatre is currently rehearsing a unique production of the Andrew Lloyd Webber Tim Rice rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar at The Whitehorse Centre in Nunawading (Vic) on December 22nd 2013.
Inclusive Music Theatre Incorporated [I.M.T. Inc.] is a community-based, not for profit organisation which provides performance opportunities for theatrically motivated people with various abilities.
I.M.T.Inc Director Heather Cook (Director) and Musical Director Simon Loveless have worked for over a decade on musicals for an Eastern Region Disability Service, up to and including last year. Read more.
After the organisation closed its performing arts program, they decided to set up an independent group for the many disappointed cast members from previous shows.with the aim of producing a musical annually, with full orchestral accompaniment.
Heather says, “Most people who join us find the experience positive whether for extra stage experience for themselves or as good samaritans wanting to foster a love of music theatre for all abilities. And indeed the ability range is vast. Though totally visually impaired, Curtis Easton (playing Jesus) has a tenor quality beyond belief and Amara Wagner (also blind with CP) is doing a great job as Pontius Pilate. Many of the cast have mild to medium intellectual disabilities. Regardless of the challenges, we have a talented conductor, Andrew Houston who manages to `pull it together' in the end.”
Consistent with current Inclusion Policies, I.M.T.’s core business is to include people with disabilities so that at least 50% of the cast will have a physical or intellectual disability. All participants, via skill-share, may contribute to the multi-faceted process of production, including costume and set choices, advertising and fund-raising.
By arrangement with IMT director, secondary students may assist as a work experience or community service program.
If you are interested in joining IMT as a performer or assistant or require further information, please contact
Heather Cook - Director I.M.T. Inc.
Phone: (03) 59 648 287 / Mobile: 0418 187770
Jesus Christ Superstar will be performed at The Whitehorse Centre in Nunawading (Vic) on December 22nd 2013 at 6pm. Bookings: (03) 9262 6555.
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Community Theatre Seasons 2013
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