Impromptu Impro 3
The saga continues.
The people that have no idea what they are doing, return for a third time to bring their audience, sometimes at the cost of their own self dignity, an hilarious night of entertainment.
Players from the peninsular and all around Melbourne are set the task to play a bunch of improvisation games, scenes and skits, mixed in with suggestions or even participation from the audience. Live theatre to the extreme, without a safety net, and with little idea of what will happen next is the promise.
Along the way there will be laughs, good fun, silliness, inconsistent accents, and wacky characters.
This year Impromptu Impro promises a whole new line up of games to play out for an unsuspecting audience, and a finale so dangerous only a few have attempted to play this game in the theatre world. Some players, known as ‘the daredevils of live theatre’, have even lived to tell the tale and are back to play it again.
For the first time Impromptu Impro has also joined forces with Anywhere Theatre Festival, this is a festival of performance anywhere but a theatre happening in Frankston from 22 August - 6 September 2014.
“We thought what a great event to get involved in to promote the world of theatre outside the traditional,” says organizer Danny Ginsberg. “This year our performance is happening in a local hall with a very different and intimate set up. You'll surely feel part of this event and warning, the first few rows may get wet (wetness not guaranteed).”
The story so far:
Many years ago community musical theatre group PLOS Musical Productions rallied around their president as she battled cancer, the honourable Sue Dyer. Sadly she lost her fight but the group, now determined to kick cancer’s butt, participates in Relay For Life every year.
Being a musical theatre group, running around a track is not their strong suit. So how to raise money? In good old traditional musical theatre tradition... they decided to 'PUT ON A SHOW'. For the last for the last few years combined with the Impromptu Impro event and Relay for Life they have raised over $5000 a year to go to the Anti Cancer Council.
So they return to put on their third installment for Impromptu Impro. A night of improvised theatre games, unscripted scenes and a whole bunch of other stuff the players of Impro don't even know yet.
The Details:
Friday 5th or Saturday 6th of September, at The Mechanics Hall, 1N Plowman Place (opposite Frankston Park and overlooking Frankston Waterfront)
Both shows will be completely different, and there will also be auctions, raffles and opportunities to take home some great prizes.
“See you at Impromptu Impro,” says Danny Ginsberg. “The only thing we don't want to be improvised and last minute is you buying tickets. There are only limited seats to sell. See you there!”
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