Community Theatre

Teaching an Old Tapper New Tricks

Natalie Pedler describes the excruciating challenge of re-learning to tap dance, memorizing lots of lines and squeezing into a leotard on the wrong side of 50.

2017 Gold Coast Area Theatre Awards

Royal intrigue, the French Revolution and a Disney classic were the subjects that propelled companies and a school to take out the top prizes in the 2017 Gold Coast Area Theatre Awards.

The Outstanding Community Theatre Production award was shared between the Gold Coast Little Theatre’s production of Crown Matrimonial (based on Edward and Mrs Simpson) and Ipswich Musical Theatre Company’s production of Les Misérables.

Music Theatre Guild of Victoria Awards 2017

The winners of the 2017 Music Theatre Guild of Victoria Awards, the 31st annual Bruce Awards, were announced at a ceremony at the Ulumbarra Theatre, Bendigo, on Saturday December 9, 2017.

Big winners on the evening were Babirra Music Theatre and CLOC Musical Theatre, wtaking home a total of seven awards each. Babirra took out seven awards for their production of Thoroughly Modern Millie, including Production of the Year, while CLOC Musical Theatre’s awards were spread across their productions of Les Misérables and A Chorus Line.

A Feast of Dahl at Pymble

Pymble Players promise a fun filled festive feast of Roald Dahl, everybody’s favourite story teller.

Who doesn’t love Roald Dahl’s subversive, funny stories?  Pymble Players director Patsy Templeton is convinced that children find it quite delicious to see adults behaving badly and getting their come-uppance.

“Dahl must have had a strong sense of justice,” says Patsy, “which you can see played out in his poems and stories. But the righters-of-wrongs are the children, not the grown-ups. And the kids love it!”

UTS Backstage Presents Monty Python’s Spamalot

England 932 A.D. A Kingdom divided. Legend tells of an extraordinary leader who arose from the chaos to unite a troubled kingdom. A man with a vision, who gathered Knights together in a Holy Quest. This man was Arthur, King of the Britons!

Thriller Farce for Castle Hill

There is no better way to finish off the 2017 season of plays at The Pavilion Theatre, Castle Hill than with a murder mystery thriller farce, Wanted – One Body!  which opens on Friday 17 November and runs until Saturday 9 December.

The Wedding Singer Brings 1985 Alive On Stage

GET out those shoulder pads, big hair-dos and fluoro colours – a stage production of The Wedding Singer is set to transport you through time to the 1980s at Limelight Theatre (WA) during November and December 2017.

Based on the 1998 movie but with an original score, directors Jen Edwards and David Nelson are bringing the upbeat musical to life with more than 30 performers ready to deliver plenty of ’80s kitsch and retro clichés.

Moon Over Buffalo

Farce is one of the most entertaining forms of theatre! Highly exaggerated, extravagant, and thus improbable situations propel the action. It is also characterized by physical humor, the use of deliberate absurdity or nonsense, and broadly stylized performances. Furthermore, a farce is often set in one particular location, where all events occur, with many many doors!

Ken Ludwig, famous for Lend Me A Tenor,is a modern master of farce. His subsequent play, Moon Over Buffalo is equally as masterful.

Tantrum Youth Arts’ Annual Short Play Festival ‘Hissyfest’ 

Tantrum Youth Arts’   will bring 33 local playwrights, actors and directors to the Civic Theatre Playhouse stage in a festival of new short plays from November 10th - 11th, 2017, with cake and celebrations on opening night to mark the festivals’ 5th year running. 

Terry Pratchett’s Mort for Perth

DEATH comes to us all – but in the case of Roleystone Theatre’s November / December 2017 production of Terry Pratchett’s Mort, he offers the title character a job.

Dying of Alzheimer’s in early 2015, Pratchett was the UK’s best-selling author of the 1990s, selling more than 85 million books worldwide in 37 languages.

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