Community Theatre

Seussical The Musical

Stirling Players (WA) are presenting Seussical as part of the City of Stirling’s Summerset Festival from January 16 to 31, 2015.


Once again, the extended Gold Coast theatre community honoured the best in its numerous productions at the Gold Coast Area Annual Theatre Awards for 2014. Roger McKenzie reports.

PLOS Has A Family “Thing”

“Gomez” talks to Coral Drouyn, just one week before hitting the stage.

Festive Retail Romp on Perth Stage

CHRISTMAS shopping is being put under the spotlight this December with a light-hearted, music-filled festive romp.

Presented by Dark Psychic Productions at Phoenix Theatre, Hamilton Hill, WA, A Retailer’s Christmas is a comedy musical following the adventures of retail staff during their busiest time of the year.

The show, written by Rebecca Coutts-Smith who is co-directing the production with Ryan S. McNally, looks at what really happens when customers ask staff to “check out the back”.

Christmas Comic Capers for Perth

AS Christmas 2014 fast approaches, get ready for a madcap dash through the silly season.

From the North Pole through to Bethlehem and back, Elfin Productions is delivering never-before-told tales of Christmas at the Latvian Centre Theatre in Belmont, WA.

Written and directed by John Grimshaw, This is Christmas features various iconic figures such as Jesus, Santa Claus, Rudolph, Prancer and three questionably wise men.

Music Theatre Guild of Victoria Open Section Bruce Award Winners 2014

Presentations for the winners of the Music Theatre Guild of Victoria's 28th Annual Bruce Awards were held on December 13, 2014 at the George Woods Performing Arts Centre, Yarra Valley Grammar.

Wonthaggi Theatrical Group's production of Jesus Christ Superstar was the big winner at the 2014 Bruce Awards, taking out six awards including the  Production of the Year and Direction Awards.




The Open Section Winners are:

Central Coast Hosts New Version of Antigone

Death.  Dissent.  Destruction.  This is Antigone!

Every day we make choices. Often they are minor moral choices: should we buy something made in Australia by a highly paid, well protected worker, or something made in a poor country overseas where we don’t know what conditions the worker endures?   Should we water the lawn in a drought?


On Sunday November 9th 2014, Villanova Players had a launch party to celebrate their forthcoming Australian premiere of the Broadway musical James Joyce’s The Dead, which is set around an annual Irish Christmas party. It was a festive affair with the audience treated to three songs and scenes from the musical with the large cast dressed in their turn-of-the-century Sunday best. 

In Comes Company at Manly

Manly Musical Society celebrates its fifth anniversary year the Stephen Sondheim and George Furth’s Tony Award winning musical
Company from November 21, 2014.

Companyis a musical about life, love and all in between. It follows the life of a bachelor, Robert, who is surrounded by his married friends. In between his escapades, Robert must deal with the question of settling down with one of his three girlfriends, or to continue a single life.

Cinderella: Traditional Panto for Mosman

Mosman Musical Society (MMS) will be performing Cinderella in pantomime, in Mosman, for the 2014 Christmas season. The traditional story of poor Cinderella defying her evil step mother and ugly sisters through the fairy godmother’s magic, attending the ball, the clock striking at midnight, and the glass slipper that leads the prince to his love, all feature in this modern stage production. And true to the traditions of British pantomime, the ‘dames’ are played by male actors, the prince by a female and there is plenty of comic stereotype and slapstick humour.

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