The School Drama Book
School Drama is a professional learning program for primary school teachers, which focuses on the power of using drama and literature to improve English and literacy in young learners.
School Drama was developed by the Sydney Theatre Company (STC) in 2009, in partnership with The University of Sydney. It has been acclaimed by Australian and international critics, and is now a cornerstone of the STC’s Education program.
This book is a comprehensive School Drama resource. It includes:
A summary of how drama and literature enhance literacy
An explanation of the School Drama approach and methodology
Learning outcomes from the School Drama program so far
Exploration of the art and pedagogy of drama (via elements, devices, and roles)
22 classroom dramas: each comprised of a series of workshops that progress through common themes and texts.
The School Drama Book is essential reading for teachers and theatre practitioners who want to educate confidently with drama, either through the STC’s School Drama program or on their own. It uses drama as a critical pedagogy, and encourages learning through activities, rather than teaching ‘about’ the texts. This approach has been shown to develop rich imaginations and creative capacities for the future.
Includes a foreword by Cate Blanchett and Andrew Upton.
  •  9781925005349

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