QLD Ballet Keeping the Dance Alive

In 2010, Queensland Ballet celebrates 50 years of bringing quality dance performances to audiences everywhere. As part of their Golden Anniversary the company has commissioned a very special publication to mark this significant milestone in Queensland’s rich arts history – Keeping The Dream Alive: Fifty Years of the Queensland Ballet Company.
When Charles Lisner founded Queensland’s first professional ballet company, his greatest gift was the commitment to creative excellence he practised relentlessly and which he inspired in those around him.
While QB supporters and dance lovers will have an immediate interest in this book, Keeping The Dream Alive also stands as an important record that documents the rich cultural history of dance that Queenslanders have enjoyed for the last five decades.
Whilst this isn’t your usual hard-cover glossy coffee table style book, it is still a wonderful full-colour publication that superbly captures Queensland Ballet’s many varied productions, accompanied by a truly magnificent collection of photographs from 1960 through to its 2009 season.
Fifty years on, Charles Lisner has departed the stage, but thanks to his remarkable legacy – and the talent and commitment of its current members, under Artistic Director Francois Klaus – Queensland Ballet is delivering better performances to wider Australian and international audiences than ever before.
If ballet is your passion, or if you have a keen interest in the Arts, you will definitely want to purchase a copy of Keeping The Dream Alive.
Paul Dellit
Keeping The Dream Alive: Fifty Years of the Queensland Ballet Company by Marcella Hunter, is available from:www.queenslandballet.com.au