Sunglasses at Night: The 80’s Apocalypse Sing Along Cabaret
The full title to this presentation should leave punters in no doubt regarding what they’re going to get and whether it should appeal to them. On the other hand, it also seems fair to warn that those with no stomach for cheerfully adolescent vulgarity (there really are such people, so they say) should probably go elsewhere to find an evening’s entertainment. For the rest of us forever-young-and-childish Eighties-addicts, “Sunglasses at Night” will hit the spot.
Principal performer Geraldine Quinn comes equipped with hair seemingly swiped from Rocky Horror’s Magenta (though her own description/comparison is “Ronald McDonald’s drunk mum”). She matches the striking look with an equally impressive talent for musical comedy routines (along with able support from her pianist).
You don’t want to be too precious about the kind of attitudes and fashions so frequently found in the popular music of the 1980s when you settle into your seat at this show; it’s the precious, the pretentious, and the ‘poncey’ that Quinn is targeting/celebrating, with great energy and cheeky humour. Needless to say, you can bet that all present will be encouraged to sing along heartily, and complete lyrics – at times hilariously adjusted/embellished – are provided.
Anthony Vawser
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