Skye Scraper: The Life and Times of a Drag Queen Accountant

Skye Scraper: The Life and Times of a Drag Queen Accountant
Adelaide Fringe Festival 2024. Skye Scraper Entertainment. The Bally at Gluttony, Rymill Park, Adelaide. Mar 12 to Mar 17, 2024

Skye Scraper: The Life and Times of a Drag Queen Accountant is a sixty-minute audience with Ethel Merman, Anne Miller, and Joan Crawford all in one woman!

Skye bustles in seemingly late to the performance. At seven foot tall and wearing a business-like pants suit with more than a touch of bling, flaming red hair and the widest shoulder pads I’ve seen since Mommie Dearest, she is certainly eye catching!

She faces a dilemma of being a corporate accountant (Corporate John), working 9 to 5, then dashing home, getting made up and dressing in drag and scootering to the drag venue at night (Skye Scraper). She soon finds this is not achievable in the long run, particularly after an Indian meal resulting in an excess of gas. Not optimal when performing in  drag!

Skye is the quintessential storyteller which she personalises with her audience. She has a razor-sharp wit. Nothing feels rehearsed, it is a cosy chat which you feel is just for you. She has a retort for everything thrown at her from the audience and the technician who is ‘driving’ the production.

Her audience participation section is a riot with a member of the audience (my partner was chosen) helping her demonstrate the ‘User Guide to Drag Dance in 8 moves’ to appropriately business themed music.

There is a serious message here too, one of being authentic person and not follow society’s expectations. This is cleverly linked with the last number – ‘Rose’s Turn’ from the musical Gypsy.

I loved the whole production but would have liked to have seen it in a larger venue and a later time slot, more deserving of her talent.

Skye Scraper: The Life and Times of a Drag Queen Accountant is an hour of joyous humour, music, and one of the best pair of legs you will see, but most of all a chance to experience a true talent that will have you laughing and thinking long after you leave the tent!

Barry Hill OAM

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