Othello is KADS' contribution to the Hills Theatres' Shakespeare Anniversary Festival. This modern dress adaptation is a well-presented, enthralling production.
Director Lucy Eyre, inspired by a documentary about an international security company which facilitates the transactiona of diamond dealers, has set the play within the present day compounds of the invented Venice Interest Protection and Cyprus Gems, a device that works very well.
The leading cast are simply superb. Garry Saunders is captivating as Iago, a role that is notorious for its difficulty and one of Shakespeare's largest roles. Saunders makes a disturbingly evil and controlled villain in an excellent performance.
Beautifully matched is Joe Tareha in the title role. He captures Othello's conflict and anguish convincingly in a very powerful performance.
Cicely Binford's Desdemona is equally impressive. Very blonde, fair and slender, she contrasts physically with the dark, imposing, boar shouldered Tareha. Her performance is very sympathetic and convincing.
Yas Sand is a very likeable and strong Cassio, Geoff Miethe is energy personified as Roderigo and Aundraea Stevens gives strength and depth to the often thankless role of Emilia. Rodney van Gronigen, the only actor in two plays in the Shakespeare Festival, is barely recognisable as the same performer who plays Bottom in The Dream, in his role of Brabantio.
The smallest cast in the festival season includes some very strong performances in the supporting roles.
There are a few distractions and detractions. Garry Saunders' watch continually catches the light, which is a shame as it draws attention from his strong performance, lighting changes can be disarmingly abrupt and actors are occasionally acting out of light. These things are possibly more noticeable because the direction is particularly smooth and the transitions between scenes are very clever and beautifully choreographed.
A very tight, very deep, very strong production of one of our most valuable plays.
Kimberley Shaw
Images: Othello (Joe Tareha) and Iago (Garry Saunders); Garry Saunders & Othello and Desdemona (Cicely Binford).
More Reading
Kimberley's review of The Dream
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