Jane Austen Private Eye

Jane Austen Private Eye
By Jessica Messenger. FringeWorld. The Queen Room at Lady Beaufort, Beaufort St Community Centre, Mt Lawley, WA. 18 Jan - 3 Feb, 2018

Jessica Messenger is perhaps best known in Perth as one half of Sense and Spontaneity, famous for madcap fully improvised stories, in the style of Jane Austen and viral videos in the same vein. In her first solo show, Jessica becomes Jane herself, spinster, writer of fiction, time traveller and detective.

 In 1817, a young woman is murdered after attending a dance. 150 years later in 1967, another young woman meets the same fate, in almost identical circumstances. The details are eerily similar, far beyond co-incidence, and Jane, an unwitting time traveller must solve the case before a murder occurs a third time.

The hour long show is presented in a setting  that is not dissimilar to performing in an 1817 drawing room - the exception being the use of two modern lamps, used to light the production to interesting effect. This is very intimate theatre, that demands that an actor be a very consummate performer.

Jessica creates a very likeable, intelligent and engaging Jane. She clearly knows her subject and humour is drawn both from references to Jane’s life and writing style, as well as her “fish out of water” experiences as she travels through time. Very funny, discerningly clever, and at times poignant, the audience on opening night were clearly enthralled.

For fans of Sense and Spontaneity, lovers of Jane Austen, and people who enjoy a good murder mystery, this is a must-see, but this show has very broad appeal. A little gem of a story.

Kimberley Shaw

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