Get Sweatier with Cheryl and Chardee
Cheryl and Chardee entertained us at the 2018 Fringe with Get Sweaty, in 2019 they’re back to help us Get Sweatier. Cheryl and Chardee met at dance class in their teens where they formed a strong bond over their mutual love for the much adored and sadly missed morning television show ‘Aerobics Oz Style’.
They preach moderation and acceptance of one’s body, jiggly bits and all. And whilst moderation might be the mantra, there is nothing moderate about their love for all things 80s, from Jane Fonda to Richard Simmons, Leg Warmers to G String Leotards, Grape Vines to Easy Walk. Wonderful reminiscences of the golden years of the fitness industry.
As with many close relationships, between the pair, there seems to be conflict in almost equal measure with love. Mikayla Lynch plays domineering and narcissistic Cheryl beautifully, allowing Alicia Norton, as the less confident and overshadowed Chardee to play on the sympathy of the audience.
Although there is some new material in Get Sweatier with Cheryl and Chardee, if you saw the show last year it may feel like a fun re-run. If you haven’t seen it yet, it will make you dance, make you sweat and make you realise that “aerobics are really good and fun”.
Jenny Fewster
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