Australian Love Never Dies On Disc

Australian Musical Theatre talent has now been showcased in spectacular fashion with the release of the filmed version of the Australian production of Love Never Dies....available now for purchase at
I was fortunate enough to attend a preview screening of this terrific filmed version of the Australian production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Love Never Dies prior to the Sydney opening night on January 11, 2012 and the February 8 Australian release of the DVD and Blu-ray.
The show, for the uninitiated, is a continuation of The Phantom of the Opera ten years on. While the musical itself met with mixed responses in the West End, the brand new Australian production of the reworked version has met with widespread acclaim. Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber describes it as “one of the finest productions I’ve seen of my work, anywhere."
And the video does the production proud.
Impressive technical values have been lavished on this filmed version of the show, without losing ftrack of the fact that it is a stage performance. I’ve never seen a live stage musical production given a more impressive video representation, and I’ve seen most.
The disc captures and preserves the live theatrical performance, filmed at Melbourne’s Regent Theatre, with multiple cameras, which capture angles and close-ups usually impossible in a proscenium arch theatre. The presentation retains its theatrical roots, but extends beyond into the filmic.
I’m yet to see the production in its theatrical setting, but I now look forward to catching tomorrow night’s Sydney opening at the Capitol Theatre.
This really is a huge coup for Australian performing and creative talent to receive this fabulous international showcase. As I watched, I felt immense pride in our local talent. Gabriela Tylesova’s designs look magnificent, while I couldn’t help wondering if this video mighn’t provide the springboard for an international career or two.
Love Never Dies stars Ben Lewis (The Phantom), Anna O’Byrne (Christine), young Jack Lyall as Christine’s son Gustave, Maria Mercedes, Simon Gleeson and Sharon Millerchip.
Love Never Dies will be available in Australia on Blu-ray and DVD from February 8, 2012.
Image: Anna O'Byrne and Ben Lewis. Photographer: Jeff Busby.
Our earlier coverage
Behind the Phantom mask: Our Interview with Ben Lewis
Simon Gleeson: The Dark Side of Raul
Brand New Australian Production for Love Never Dies
Love Never Dies – Inside Rehearsals
Love Never Dies – Melbourne Review
Sharon Millerchip (Meg Giry) interviewed